Youth Of Tsomo


How important are farmers?

Farmers are as important as oxygen is to people.

The importance of farmers in the world can never be emphasised enough. It makes us proud when farmers are being recognised and given the respect they earn on a daily basis.

Farming is hard labor but farmers aren't quiters no matter how hard it may be.

Farmers brave through anything.

Did you know that farmers are important to every profession and individual? I bet you did, you are important and the world needs you.

The world relies on farmers for everything without them even knowing that they are what and who they are because of farmers.

There can never be enough farmers in the world...We know that a new baby is born every second in this world, literally every second.

That results into a farmer having one more mouth to feed every second.

The world needs more farmers than it needs anyone or even anything.

A lot of people don't really see farming as a career,they look down on it because a farmer doesn't wear expensive suits or red bottom shoes/stilettos.

A farmer doesn't even wear make up and they certainly don't have the most expensive manicure to prove to the society that their career is of crucial importance.

Look around you,your life revolves around farmers on a daily basis.

Open your fridge and kitchen cupboard,the fruits,vegetables in fact all the food and beverages in your house are from  a farmers hard work. The farmers wake up early and go to bed late just to feed people they don't even know and they love it.

Farmers complain less and work more to make sure their live stock is healthy and fit enough for you. Farmers cloth you.

If we we were to elaborate on the importance of farming then we would go on and on till the sun rises then sets again.

Farmers are more important than they are given credit.

Respect farmers, they save lives everyday.

What would the world be without Farmers?

A farmer's goal is to produce a good crop and very healthy animals to feed the world. Farmers are responsible for all crops and livestock that are needed for us to survive,if farmers were to stop farming then the world would be Without food, this would be the end of the world due to starvation,
According to many the markets are the most important places of their lives because the markets feed them.

What many haven't realised yet is that farmers work hard every day to keep plenty of crops and animal products in the market to prevent starvation from happening. Recognise and thank farmers for being the providers. The roots of all food.