Why send cvs when you can create an income for yourself farming in your backyard

Youth Of Tsomo
Tired of sending CVs? How about you create a job instead of seeking for one?

We've spoken to a whole lot of people whose main concern in this sector is the number of unemployment. Yearly there are graduates who graduate only to be introduced to the struggle of unemployment.

Graduating is super exciting and nothing beats the happiness that comes with it. Its the feeling of reaping what you sew that gives everyone the butterflies. Its okay to send CVs in hope of getting the same respond that a hundred others are waiting for.

We all send CVs and await that "Congratulations" call, when disappointments hit us we then drift away from the passion bit by bit.

Lerato Kubyane graduated in 2011 and shes been unemployed since then. Just like everyone else she had a dream. With every CV she sent came disappointments and the strength to give up.

Lerato studied Crop Production at the University of Limpopo. She got tired of unemployment and sending CVs to no response. One day she visited her unemployed aunt at the villages and thats when it hit her that life is yet to get harder should she remain unemployed with no source of income either.

She and her aunt couldn't even afford to buy simple vegetables such as an onion, town was 34km away so the taxi fare was a lot higher and that made life even more difficult.

That's when she decided to start a small vegetable garden at the back of her aunt's yard. The yard was very spacious, she planted onions, tomatoes, cabbages, potatos, spinach and beetroots .

After a few weeks her aunt offered to sell the vegetables for her, she went door to door selling and within a few months of being able to provide fresh produce to the isolated village, they then became in demand. Today they are the main suppliers of vegetables in the village and are making enough money to feed their families and still have enough to spoil themselves.


If you have space at home, use it to make an income. The size doesn't matter, the quality of your produce and how you market your produce is the main concern. Don't wait upon a miracle to happen, make it happen.

A farmer's dream is greater than the labor and fear of failing.